I think this piece speaks for itself. It is one of my biggest goals in this short life, to decolonize every inch of me that was affected by colonization. It wasn't till I got to my 30's that I think I became aware and awoken to how colonized my mindset was. In so many areas of my life, from how I viewed my body, to how much I "worked", using my voice, not using my voice. Each day, I try to be mindful of un-learning, and re-learning certain things that I "believed" was who I was. But these aspects weren't "who I am". Far, far from it.
Let’s slow down…
Take my hand, let’s let the land enfold
every pore beneath our feet
Walking will be our decolonization, it will
Let’s hit pause…
Who’s voices are following us home,
telling us success has this face or this body
or laziness is drenched over you like rainfall on red dirt
Our stillness will be our decolonization, it will
Let’s keep learning, expanding…
So much was taken from us and our ancestors,
they expected us to stay buried, sunken in,
along with all that makes us sing
Our un-learning and re-learning will be our decolonization, it will
Let’s keep dancing, singing, laughing…
Even as I write this, my old friend anxiety sits deeply in my chest
and I taste each sorrow soaked tear on my tongue
I get lost in the desert of my mind daily,
generations of hurt knitted so neatly in with present life,
married inside me they live
Yet, I’ve danced again
Sang again
Laughed again
Our joy will be our decolonization, it will
Let’s keep healing while we’re here,
They don’t know how we can walk between worlds,
how our connection to those in spirit
keeps us grounded here on Mother Earth
How they are learning from us and we are learning from them,
and by remaining open,
we live in the beauty of the bond
We live in the Creator’s embrace
Let’s keep healing, relatives
It will be our decolonization,
Yes, yes it will