Hello! Welcome to my first blog post. This will very much be a stream of thought, with no real structure, form or rhythm, much like my poetry and my mind :) I thought I would just do a small introduction and share a little about what I’ll be posting on this format in the future.
First, I’d like to say my words are worth reading. Period. Chapter closed. End of story. I see so many people downplay their work, and honestly, I am still one of them. So sometimes I have to keep saying things, in my mind, on paper, or out loud, until I believe them myself. I wrote a book, got it published, people bought it, left amazing reviews, yet I still don’t believe my words are worth reading. But, I will. And I am much closer than I was yesterday, or on the last full moon. My words are worth reading.
Second, I’d like this blog space to be a mix of two things. A stream of random writing with no format, and where I share unseen and new poems that I don’t post anywhere else but right here. Not on my Instagram or TikTok, just here. How’s that sound? Sounds good to me! You don’t have a say :p
There might be days, weeks, where I am unable to post. Or maybe that’s when I will come up with some of my best stuff. Who’s to say. But if this interests you, because remember, (my words are worth reading), stick around and subscribe. I’ve been writing since I think I learned how to hold a pencil. It has saved my life countless times when speaking out loud felt impossible. The page gave all of the unsaid words inside me a place to breathe. This is how I process through life. The pain, joy, sorrow, and changes of it all. It has saved me, and I pray that with me sharing, it might save someone else. Thank you! Write soon :)
Your website is beautiful!!! Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Looking forward to reading more of your words💕
I feel calm and happy reading your words. I truly think you will give others hope and understanding.